Tuesday, November 13, 2012

family picture

Sunday was family picture day.
my mom and dad like to do a Christmas card with a picture of each family. so we all went to take a few pictures of each family.
this is our shot.
well one of the best, i think.
we didn't attempt anything fancy.
we just stood there and took a few shots and were done.
same pose. hahaha.
i really want lots of family pictures after Camden arrives
so nothing fancy this time around.
and i'll probably send out Easter cards instead of Christmas cards.
i'm glad Evelyn is half my height now
so she could hide my huge belly.
i can't wait to see how every ones pictures turned out
all my nieces and nephews looks so cute!
and we all unintentionally coordinated.
i love it when that happens.
i love how grown up my girls look.
im glad there will be an actual baby in the family soon
i miss having little babies to hold.


  1. Ah! It turned out so so good! You have an adorable family, and yes more than pleased we all coordinated haha. :)

  2. They turned out really good! And you look beautiful :)

  3. Beautiful family photo!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award! Go check out the post on my blog! =)



  4. heyy!!

    so i totally tagged you in this post!

    check it out haha :)

    bella :D

  5. LOVE the picture!! Such a good lookin' family :)
