Saturday, December 29, 2012

we got cereal?

i guess its about time for some sort of update. i think i've made everyone wait long enough.
right now i only have the few pics that i took on Christmas eve.
the christmas pics are on my husbands camera which is with him in idaho right now.

christmas eve
making sugar cookies for santa
most of the cousins were able to get together at my parents house and make some cookies.
the first batch the kids made whatever they wanted.
it was pretty funny.
my parents give the grandkids either pajamas or slippers every christmas eve.
this year was pajamas!
"we got cereal??"
i think mia was actually a litte diappointed
because she LOVES that chex cereal.
inside were their jammies
angry birds for evelyn
princesses for amelia
they love them!
as soon as chris gets back from idaho
i'll get the christmas pics on here.
we had a great christmas.
the girls love all the things they recieved this year.

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