Wednesday, December 19, 2012

yay for the weekend

so its wednesday, and i'm talking about last weekend.
so friday the lets make a deal thing happened. woot! then that same night was the Annual Crandell dinner/gift exchange. awesome!
This years pick was to Pita Jungle. 
I had not been their before.
so i tweeted if anyone had and what i should get and i got a response to try the black bean burger. 
so i did and it was amazing! YUM!!
it was huge and amazing and i ate the whole thing.
didn't even phase me. i guess i was hungry.
so flipping good.
i could eat another one right now.
i need to stop thinking about it. bean burger.
so after we ate
 we skipped the cheesecake everyone ordered and went next door to the frozen yogurt shop and ate some delicious yogurt!
when i say we, i mean my husband and i.

HIS all about the candy

HERS all about the fruit.
it was so good and so needed even though i was stuffed
there is ALWAYS room for frozen yogurt! ALWAYS!
it was a great time with my brothers, sisters, and parents.
we all got some great gifts.
lots of loud talking, lots of laughs
its just so much fun to be with family and have a good time.
especially over great food!!

1 comment:

  1. LOOKS GOOD! ... but im so full right now the ice cream freaks me out hahha had roast beef tonight... OKAY you dont care about that haha ttyl
