Tuesday, February 19, 2013

full moon

just thought i'd share an update.

i am closing in on 39weeks. i went to the doctor yesterday. things are good, heartbeat strong. my next appointment is next monday, which i'm hoping a)it is my last one or b)the full moon will be on my side and i won't make it to that appointment.

either one would be just fine with me. :)

i didn't take very many pictures of myself this pregnancy, but in fact its more than both of my other ones combined. i didn't take any with evelyn and maybe 2 with amelia. haha.

so here is a progression i think it starts at 22 weeks and the last one is from monday right before my appointment.

these were all from my phone, i suck at taking pictures, dirty mirror, so yeah not the best pics ever. :) but enjoy.

i'm excited for not being pregnant anymore, and being able to cuddle and love on my little boy. :)

oh and notice the bed? yeah its really tall. seriously so excited to be able to get in and out of it without losing my breath. :)


  1. Just a random thought -- you're good at naming kids. I love all your kids' names.

    That's all. :)

  2. It's the final countdown !! Can't wait to meet little Camden :) and hahaha sorry you guys will be the only one with a blue car! I didn't even think of that haha!

  3. Holy Pregnant Belly BATMAN!

    I can't wait to see a picture of your lil' guy!!!!

  4. Aweee well i hope he comes soon!
    If i lived near ya i wudda done some maternity pics for you!! <3 best wishes!!

  5. Soooo.... how did your appointment go? Are we having a baby this week?!?! :)
