Friday, March 21, 2014


so this past monday, the 17th. St. Patrick day. you know the holiday

i hope you all wore green so you didn't get pinched and i hope you ate something green that day

i made green eggs and green pancakes, and green jello. Ev of course turned her nose up to them, and almost threw up from gagging because they looked weird. 
this girl folks. 

Mia of course ate a little bit of everything. one point though she said "mom, cheese on jello is gross" well duh.
this girl folks.

the kids were still a bit sick from the weekend. so any adventures that day were to be short & sweet or non existent. a little of both happened that day

 i had a babysitter lined up, but, they didn't end up coming. so we cancelled our lunch plans and did some stuff with the kids. 

we went and got some froyo! i LUV froyo. and when i say L-U-V its pronounced like LOUve, its a extra special type of love. then after that we went to Target, got a few things then i skipped over to Joann's to get Gold vinyl stickers for my kitchen. yeah it RULES!

anywho, came home and just sat around the rest of the day.

i was able to go and get one free thing that day!
more than last year, so, YAY! 

i had never had firehouse so i wanted to try them and they are just right down the street. score. 
it was so delicious. yum yum! i found a new fav sub place! 

nothing amazing happened, but it was a good day. 

oh right, my bad, it was my birthday.

27 years of amazingness

 27 looks pretty good on me. 

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