Monday, March 10, 2014

one year

its crazy to think that i no longer have a baby anymore and that he's a full blown toddler now. 

Camden turned ONE on the 1st. 
I still feel like it was just yesterday that i had him. 
i remember it so clearly.
maybe because i wasn't doped up?
or maybe because i never wanted to forget that moment and i thought about it all the time after 
and i still do. 

if you're new around here im talking about this post. :)

just a tiny little brother that grew so big, so quickly. 

he is a mommas boy through and through. 
nothing is fun unless momma is near by.
sweet but annoying, but i love him for it. 

he is so smiley 
he knows how to work his lips. whether he is pouting or smiling. 
he loves airplanes, and cars and to climb.
he's been walking since 10 months and is trying to run now. 
he loves figuring out how things work and will spend quite a bit of time doing that

its been a week in his one year old life, and he has already changed so much. 
its so fun to watch him learn, and discover.

we love our little cam cam
we are so blessed to have him in our little family. 

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