Tuesday, September 9, 2014

saturday recap

I'm sitting here swigging some water out of the super cool cup, i just threw on some balance doterra oils and enjoying the quietness of this 8 o'clock hour. 

I've survived some of the craziest weeks of my life, so far. 

Super Saturday was this past saturday the 6th

i have never been more excited for something to be over with in my life!! 

I was feeling a little bit of this...

and this....

and that...

and that night i wanted to party like it was the year 2000
but i was pretty much this, for the rest of the day.

it was so much fun to plan and get everything ready and have everyone there hanging out and crafting their little hearts out, but holy smokes was i tired.

It was amazing the things i was able to start focusing on and think about after everything was over. Chris is really excited to have me back and it feels good to have me back too.

Cheers to a successful super saturday craft day and double cheers to it being over. 

Drinks all around.

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