Tuesday, March 24, 2015


This poor dead mouse was the victim of my old, yet playful, killing machine cat, Buddha. Poor guy went into the wrong yard and it cost him his life.

It could not have been more perfect timing though, it was the perfect day to bust out the  TEMPTATIONS SNACKY MOUSE  for Buddha to play with!

*i received the following products complimentary, for testing, from Influenster*
*all opinions of product are my own and my cats* 

This mouse is much cuter and it can't die. WIN WIN!!  And it just makes me smile!

Buddha was the first baby in our family.  He is still my fur baby and he is so unbelievably patient with the kids.  He is such a lovey cat, and he deserves treats all the time!  I wasn't sure how he was going to react to this little toy, i was so happy to see him get into it.

Evelyn helped me put some treats in and got him all excited to attack it.  This is the perfect toy for my kids to give Buddha treats in!! I know they'll have a blast watching him try and get the treats out.

For being an old man cat i could tell he really liked it and he basically swallowed the treats hole! So i'm thinking TWO PAWS up from Mr. Buddha and TWO THUMBS up from the human!!

Thank you Influenster and Temptations for our rad new cat toy!!

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