Friday, April 17, 2015


Terry Jean West Cluff Atkinson

My dear sweet grandma passed away this past Saturday.  I'm sad but happy she is pain free and reunited with family on the other side. 

This woman was truly a fighter.  She had gone through so much in her life, more than anyone should have and she inspired me with her strength and her sunny attitude.  I really wish i could be in Utah this weekend to celebrate her life and be with family.

Chris and I visited right after we got married in 2006

4 generations 2010

Grandma Terry & Grandpa Les

We didn't get to see her often, but i know she loved us and was thinking about us, always. I'm happy for all the wonderful memories i have of her. I loved taking family trips to my grandparents place during the summer, and exploring the trailer park they worked in.  We'd walk to the corner store and get a snack, usually a super healthy hostess snack like a ding dong or something, then walk back eating it.  We'd do puzzles, drink cokes, laugh and just relax and enjoy the view of the mountains. 

We took a trip with the girls in the summer of 2010 to visit 

It was always so fun going there as a kid, even as an adult too.  I'm glad Evelyn and Amelia (even though she was so little) were able to experience life with grandma Terry. 

She will be missed. 

2008 family trip

Until we meet again grandma.