Tuesday, April 7, 2015

I'm real

I'm sitting here at my dining table just looking around, biting chucks off the giant chocolate bunny my son got for Easter, and drinking a cherry diet DP.  Just thinking about life. Enjoying a quite moment.  I don't have any witty comments, or jokes.  I'm just being real.  My life is simple, unorganized, messy, fun, adventurous and ordinary.

To my right:

In front of me:

To my left:

A kitchen that no matter how many times i attempt to clean will have messes, dirty dishes piled in the sink, some lingering smell of something that i just can't get rid of, but its real.

My decorating may be weird and not following any decorating rules, but I've never been one to follow.  I'm more of a if it pleases me then it will stay. It's real.

Streamers that haven't been taken down for a few weeks, misplaced toys, a carpet cleaner i haven't found a home for yet, and crackers ground into the carpet. It's real.

This is part of my life. I never want to be unreal.


  1. I can totally relate about the dishes never ending, but sometimes there are more important things in life. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Your decorating is cute! I like it! :) And I like real. Everyone should try for more of that.

  3. I love your decorating! And girl, I'm with ya! My house is never in perfect condition but who has the time for that, anyway? And I don't apologize for it, either! Ha ha! I sure do love ya!

  4. Love this! Your house is super cute! :)
