Wednesday, May 13, 2015

I spy with my hazel eyes

Its Wednesday. Awesome!
Here are a few pictures to show what happened the first half of this week.

I received some hand made Mother's Day gifts. This is Evelyn and I. :)
I'm loving my cat shirt, she knows me so well. 

I cleaned the upstairs loft with my awesome carpet cleaner.
See that blue rectangle in front of Camden?  That is our Bose portable stereo. I connect my phones blue tooth to it and play music in my van, but Cam is obsessed and needs to have music playing 24/7 and he carries it everywhere with him.

Chris got me a ring he decided to give to me on Mothers Day instead of saving it until October for our anniversary. Its the ring in the middle less then $50, good job, :) I don't care for fancy or flashy things, bottom ring was less that 10 bucks, i wore it when my actual wedding ring was broken, top ring is my wedding ring.  I like wearing them all, each is special.

Camden has been getting into way more the past few weeks.  Maybe i shouldn't have 5 junk drawers for him to get into, but it wouldn't stop him. He's full of imagination and its fun to watch him explore.

Little dude still takes amazing naps. Hallelujah! and i still can't help by stare at him sleeping, he'll always be my little baby.  He had some awesome bedhead the other day i had to document it. 

I'm trying my hardest to let Evelyn be in charge of more things, and one of those things is being in charge of Cam when they play in the yard.  I came out to  play with them and Ev was pulling him around in our garden wheel barrel.  Its exciting that she is getting older, but I'm still trying to figure out the right way to let go of the reigns and let her steer more. 

I hope your week has been an awesome one and make the rest of this week a great one! 

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