Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Summer bucket list

Tomorrow is the last day and then


We are excited and ready for the break!  We have 6 weeks off then back to school.  I want to make the best of these 6 weeks, and make this summer something the kids will love.

I've talked with the kids and they have a few things they want to do during the summer

  • Swim almost every day
  • Eat popsicles 
  • Eat ice cream 
  • Run in sprinklers
  • Go to the cabin 
  • Go to the beach
  • Play video games
  • Eat snow cones
  • Play at friends houses
  • Stay up late
  • Play with cousins

They come up with more every day.  Its great to be able to get their input on how they want to spend their breaks now. 
The best part is  that we can do basically everything they want to do on this list. 

We will be spending time in the woods at my parents cabin, in Oceanside, CA, in the pool, and yes their will be LOTS of ice cream, snow cones, and popsicles this summer. 

My personal bucket list goes something like this

  • Make sure Amelia is ready to start kindergarten
  • Drink plenty of water & diet DP
  • Slow down and enjoy life
Not much to my list but as long as I'm with my kids and husband i can enjoy the time off and hopefully not sweat the small stuff.  Not having to wake up and drop kids of at school will definitely be a welcome break too. 

What do you have going down with summer?  Whats on your bucket list? If you haven't started one, you should! 

Have a wonderful day folks! 


  1. Our summer bucket lists look very similar! Happy Summer break friend!

    1. Yay for bucket lists!! In loving the ETHAN project you're apart of! Can't wait to read your posts! ❤

  2. I just wrote a summer bucket list and it basically looks just like yours! Hope y'all have fun!

    1. Bucket lists are the best! Especially ones that can actually be checked off! Happy kids happy summer! Thank you!

  3. I'm having a BABY! Yeeeee! So yeah.. there goes my summer. But it's quite alright. I do hope we can make a beach trip and I want my kids to have as much fun as possible this summer. Your bucket list seems pretty good to me. Relax and take it easy my friend!

    1. I say having a baby is the best summer plan!! And hopefully you'll have time to relax too! ❤

  4. We have 2 days left of school then it's on!! Great list, will be sitting down the kiddos this weekend to make a list :)

    1. Yay for almost summer!!! My kids have already added 5 more things. I had to tell them there is a cut off. Have fun making your list, post it when you're done so I can check it out!

  5. That list sounds fab to kids are grown now , so our list is a bit different! Hope you enjoy it to the max! I am a reading teacher and soooo looking forward to school being out...we still have 3 weeks, good news is..I am off to Hawaii the day after! Enjoyed your post!

    1. What 3 weeks left!! Ahhh!! You can do it! And how amazing you get to party in Hawaii!! Can't wait to read all about that !

  6. I am with you with slowing down and enjoying life. :)

    1. I have to remind my self all the time to just take a chill and relax. :) hopefully I'll be able to do that even with a filled summer break! ❤

  7. Is it just me, or does it seem like pure torture to send kids back to school after Memorial weekend?! Maybe it seems worse to me because they ALWAYS timed it so that school ended on the Thursday or Friday before Memorial weekend kicked off where I grew up, ha!
    LOVE your bucket list. Can we come enjoy it with you?! The kids have the right idea... and so do you! I'm definitely thinking that slowing down and just enjoying the summer is definitely what we need to do!

    1. It IS super annoying sending them back after memorial day! A break then send them back is just weird. I'm sure i'll get used to it eventually, i hope! :)

      And a huge YES you can come! We love having friends with us! :)

  8. Aww, I think I'll have to do this with my kids. Today was their last day of school and I'm sure there are a ton of things they'd like to put on a bucket list.
