Thursday, July 9, 2015

Summer days{4}

Well let me see what we've got going on here. 

This past week was a pretty chill week.  Even with 4th of July festivities happening.

We spend the holiday in Sedona, Az

We've been quite a few times and we were just ready to sit and do nothing.  It was so nice and chill.  We got in Thursday night about 9, when to the local thrift shop on Friday and enjoyed the cooler weather and the summer storms that rolled in, in the afternoon. We swam Saturday morning and left that afternoon to head home so we'd be home before fireworks and events in the valley started. It was super chill and a nice little break for the weekend. 

Evelyn saw on the resort map a labyrinth on it so when we were coming back from shopping we stopped to take a look. It wasn't what Evelyn thought it was going to be (i think she was looking for a more grand maze) but her and Amelia had fun walking around the little maze.

The last few days have been me trying to convince the kids to come to the store with me so i can finish school shopping for them.  It hasn't gone over too well.  I even told them we'd go to Target, they didn't by into it.  We only have about a week left of summer vacation and then school is back in session. 

We were going to be on our summer California adventure this next week, but had to be canceled a few days ago.   Chris still has the week off so were going to try to make the best of the time we have together, at home and around town. 

Oh, and one last thing before i go...

I came across this "Free life-a-day" declaration made by Evelyn.  I asked her about it and she said its like the declaration but just for kids and that for a whole day kids can do whatever they want. 

I gave her praise for thinking of something so creative and for thinking of freedoms and rights.  We talked about the Declaration of Independence and she knew quite a bit about it already. It was a great teaching moment for the both of us. 

Hope everyone had an amazing Independence Day and celebrated their freedoms we are so blessed to have. 

Have a wonderful rest of your week! 

Thanks for stopping by. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay I seriously just had to comment and tell you how much I LOVE the adventure time thing you have on your contact page lol!
