Monday, November 2, 2015

life is busy.

Life is busy.

Taking care of kids, trying to take care of myself, my house, my husband, work, & so on.

Every day life right now is filled with a bossy 7 year old, a 5 year old that cries over literally everything, and a 2 year old who has decided sleep in optional at night so also cries at literally everything too. I'm exhausted and burnt out. I know it will pass, and i should cherish these times, but if they could just grow just out of these phases i'd be okay with that.

There are good things going on too, but some days its hard to let those good things shine through all the not good.  I'm trying, I put a smile on my face and basically fake it till i make it some days and that does certainly help.

Okay onto the good things that have been happening.

A few weeks ago we found out the baby is.

We used this photo on social media to announce what we were having.

We are excited its going to be another little boy.  The girls are happy because that means we have even numbers in our family.

After the ultrasound we went to lunch and then straight to Target so i could buy a little outfit for my little guy.

Halloween happened and it was a fun time for the kiddos again.  Evelyn requested pikachu as her costume, Amelia requested a bunny and Camden, well with him we tried many costumes and he chose nothing, he didn't want to dress up at all, so he went as a 'dad'.


We finally decided on a name for the baby. It was a back and forth battle, but we came up with a great name that i love and will be a perfect fit in our family. 

I'm choosing not to share online until we have the baby, just cause I  really don't need anyone's opinions about the name we chose. Sorry, not sorry. You'll just have to wait and hear. 

So that's an update on life right now. Hopefully between all the crazy I'll be able to find more time to blog. 

1 comment:

  1. I have had you on my mind a ton this week girl! I miss your face! Xoxo
