Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Dance Dance Disco Unicorn

Sometimes when given the chance, even when that chance is when your 6 months pregnant, to combine your favorite mystical creature, with music and strangers YOU TAKE IT!!

Last week I went to the greatest dance party in the history of ever! I threw on my rainbow shirt, made a sparkly unicorn horn, glitterfied my glasses and took off!

It took place at Jester'z Imrpov & Sodalicious was there mixing up delicious drinks.  Well, I'm still on a no soda during pregnant binge but I'm planning on going the minute the baby is born to grab a drink from them, everyone else looked super happy drinking away!  I did eat one of their pink cookies, and OH GOSH sooooooo delicious!

photo c/o Sean Huntington

photo c/o Sean Huntington

photo c/o Sean Huntington

The second I walked in, I knew I had made the right decision in going.  Did I know I would be so unbelievably tired, and sore and exhausted the next day? YES I did.  I knew it would take a lot out of me, but I have only 3 months before I'm tied down at home for a bit with the baby so I figured, what the heck I'm going for it!

And I am so glad I went!  There were so many fun ladies there!  I didn't know hardly any of them but that didn't stop us from having an amazing time dancing, laughing, and just letting loose!

photo c/o Sean Huntington

photo c/o Sean Huntington
photo c/o Sean Huntington

photo c/o Sean Huntington

All the pictures from the party are so trippy and amazing!! 

There are quite a few more that I could post, but you get the idea.  It was an amazing time and huge THANK YOU to Mandy for throwing this shindig together!!  BEST.PARTY.EVER!!!!


Luke 2:3
 "And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city"

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