Wednesday, January 6, 2016

30 Weeks

I haven't done a pregnancy update for quite a while, I think the last one I did was when I was 15 weeks along.  I've been busy with holiday stuff, family stuff, just you know stuff.

If you follow me on Instagram then you've been getting frequent pictures as the weeks have gone by. I haven't talked about the pregnancy much with each picture I've posted on insta, so here is a more detailed update for you.

How far along?  30 weeks
Maternity clothes? yes, well yes and no.  I caved and bought a couple things online some maternity jeans and a shirt.  Turns out I thought i ordered a certain size, but my pregnancy brain betrayed me and ordered a different size, so its all pretty loose on me.  Its okay though. Its not constricting so its all good.  But most of what i wear is just really stretchy non maternity shirts, and yoga pants. i found a pair of yoga pants on clearance $5 i bought in a size up so there are the one thing i have that fits right now. shirts i just wear regular ones. I did get a muumuu and its the greatest thing ever cause pants are sometimes the worst thing to wear and i hate the chore it is to put pants on. :) 
Sleep: sleep is always a challenge.  I have a million and one pillows to sleep on, under, over, and around me, still not at the super comfy level, but i do get some sleep so i'll take it. 
Best moment this week: just feeling my sweet little boy move, and Camden has finally come around to the idea of a baby brother, and he's learning to say his name. HEART MELTS every time. 
Miss Anything? sleeping on my stomach, and living with out back pain. my upper back has just been throwing me for a loop thing time around.
Movement: he is quite the acrobat.  
Food cravings: still mostly the same since the beginning.  meat, mostly steak or hamburger.
Anything making you queasy or sick:My kids and husband bestowed upon me a head cold, so i make myself queasy with the snot and coughing its really a lovely site to see. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: My spirits are up even though I have many, many excuses to be in the worst mood ever. 
Looking forward to:Im looking forward to my next appointment i'll be 32 weeks, then i'll go every 2 weeks and once i hit that i can see the finish line! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.  Ours was pretty chill and it was amazing to just have time to relax while Chris had time off of work.  

30 weeks and counting! 
I've said this many times but 30 weeks is when i hit my glamour stage of pregnancy. It just keeps getting better from here folks! 

1 comment:

  1. You are almost there! I'm already dreading being pregnant again...
