Friday, April 15, 2016

hadanotherbabyitsaboy: part one

When life gives you a baby, sometimes you forget about everything else.  I've been thinking about writing this posts for weeks. 3 weeks to be exact.  I just haven't sat down to pump this out. I decided to start slow and take whatever time I could find and start, even if it was 10 minutes a day.  I'm determined to get this story on here.  Mostly for me, but you can enjoy my story too. I'm gonna be breaking this into 2 parts.  I wanted to give you something and it a lot to write.

41 weeks hit and I was not surprised by this but so disappointed my baby wasn't here yet.  I had felt ready for weeks.  Trying everything I could think of to get this baby out of me.  I guess I should have known my plans wouldn't work, cause things in my life tend to just happen when they want to no matter what I want or think.

Monday, March 21st:
I had a late in the day doctor appointment. My doctor checked to see if i had any progress from the week before.  I was 4cm dilated, which made me happy cause I was a tight 2 cm the week before. YAY! My doc went ahead and stripped my membranes, again. After, we talked about an induction date.  I did not want to have an induction. I wanted to go into labor on my own again, but I also did not want to still be hugely pregnant.  So we scheduled my induction date for Wednesday the 23rd at 8pm.  We were hopeful that since I scheduled something that meant I would just go into labor before the time set. Nothing too exiting happened the rest of that day and night.  I started to have contractions around 11 pm but they were really far apart and basically nothing, so I decided to just sleep them off. 

Tuesday, 22nd:
Thankfully, I slept really great and woke up in a good mood. Got up, ate breakfast, took a shower & got ready for the day.  We had decided the night before that I was going to spend the day at my parents house with the kids, because Chris was going to go and buy a new to us van that we had been looking at.  At around 9 ish I told Chris we needed to leave and head to my parents and get our day started.  First we needed to go to the school to drop off our voter ballots and get our voting stickers.

After a quick vote drop off we headed off to my parents house.  When we reached the freeway, I noticed contractions starting and actually pretty evenly spaced out.  About 8 minutes apart roughly.  After driving for a bit I mentioned the contractions to Chris and told him that instead of him leaving right away I wanted to chill and time the contractions and see if they would get closer together as some time went on.

I spent an hour timing the contractions they ended up being 1 minute in length and around 3-5 minutes apart now. Not strong just uncomfortable.  At this point I knew we were having our baby today. YAY! We decided we would go to Target cause my movie Mockingjay pt 2 came out that day and I had to buy it and it would give us something to do and time for me to decide when we would go to the hospital.

Contractions continued while we were at Target, didn't stay long just went in bought some movies then walked out. I had a contraction in the parking lot on the way back to the car that I had to stop a bit and focus a little bit more. When we got back to the car we started out and I wasn't sure where, back to my parents or the hospital.  I decided it was time, so off we went to the hospital.

When we walked into the lobby we walked up to the adorable ladies at the front desk, one of them looked at me walking up and said "Oh i see her labor breathing!" I laughed and said yes we would like to have our baby today. We waited about 10 minutes to go back to get checked in to triage. Check in took about another 10-15 minutes. Still feeling great, contractions were mild and easy to breath through. We get into triage this time, i get changed and they ask their routine questions and check for dilation.  And guess what I was 7 cm dilated and 90% effaced but baby way still WAY high talking he didn't want to come out at all, up there high, and my water was still intact. This is around 1 pm.

They called my doc to come down and break my water, so they wanted to get me out of triage and get me to labor & delivery quick. I walked myself over there with my IV cart (i decided after they asked if i wanted an IV to get one, it was just the water stuff to keep my hydrated which i was okay with) met my labor & delivery nurse Keely ( bless this sweet sweet woman, she was exactly the nurse i needed!), my doc showed up right as we were walking to my room.  Got in bed and settled, broke my water and then i was ready for the ride.  I wasn't sure how long of labor I had left but I was ready for it.

1:30 ish now.

And yes, I snapped a few times to keep people updated. I said I would. 


  1. Hahaha I love how you had your "priorities" straight and that you snapped the whole thing. Can't wait to read part 2!

  2. What?? Not long enough! haha,. Good cliff hanger, though...
