Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Its MAY!

You know you loved seeing this every where on April 29th & 30th. Admit it!! 

Wow, May already.  Time is flying which is great but seriously sucks too.

My sweet baby is 7 weeks old already and it makes me so happy/sad.

Last month was a busy one!  Even with having a newborn I was able to get involved and attend two amazing events!

Lets talk about the first event.  April 16th was with the amazing Arizona Bloggers Meetup Group which teamed up with Say Hi Society and had a mini blogger conference in Gilbert at The Falls

photo c/o  Let Me See You Sparkle Photography

I bought my ticket when I was 36 weeks pregnant not knowing when Leonard would show up.  I was thinking he'd be at least a month old by then, I'd be good to go.  Well he was just 3 weeks old when the day for the event happened.

You may think I am completely crazy for going out so soon after giving birth, but I HAD to go!  Not because I bought a ticket, but because I needed this for me!  I don't do very many things for myself.  My days are spent benefiting my little ones and husband, so I was ready for a morning out.

photo c/o Let Me See You Sparkle Photography

I'm not a major blogger, I may never be, but one thing I've gained from this crazy life of blogging is the people.  I love the people most .  I learn more from watching & following other bloggers.

Photo c/o Beverly from  Hey, What A Day

I really enjoyed all the information from Mommy Mailbox, and Matt. Then getting pampered from PamperedByPampers, and eating delicious food from Kneaders but I loved talking with my people.  It was exactly what I needed.  I met so many more wonderful ladies to following and be inspired by.

If you're ever thinking about going to a meet up or blogging event, please go!  Its worth it, I promise!

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