Monday, September 12, 2016

Mommy Style Monday: Date night in

When I read the topic for Mommy Style Monday being date night, I wasn't the most excited. Because an actually going out on a date night isn't something that happens very often around here and we would't be able make one happen before this post (I really wanted to give you all a serious case of FOMO <<<< just learned this word and what it means).

There are always attempts at going out but most the time things just don't work out the way you want them too.  Sometimes its hard not to be disappointed but it is what it is, I always tell me kids, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit, and the same should apply to me. Right?

So since I needed something to write about I just made up a quick date night at home.  Even though I would much rather get out of the house (for sanity purposes), its really about spending time together to reconnect.

Our date night in started with pizza and pop with the kids. A classic weekend dinner.  I've been making every meal at home for the last couple weeks so it was nice not having to cook for a night.

We then watched a movie.  Man of Steel.  The girls really want to watch Batman vs Superman so you have to watch from the beginning.  

After the kids went to bed (its hard when its in home dates to wait for the kids to zonk out) it's all about card games. 

Phase 10 is a favorite.  I let Chris win, every time.  Yes, I did staged this picture. :)

I know these posts are supposed to be about style and outfits and what not, hence the name mommy STYLE Monday, but not this one.  I had big plans of taking pictures of myself in my pajamas, but I guess I was too comfy to care or just plain forgot. :)

I did remember in the morning, and attempted taking style pics, but didn't just much style.  I did like how this one turned out. :)

Our 10 year anniversary is at the end of next month and I'm at a complete loss of what I should plan for it.  I know I can comb pinterest and find a million idea, but I want to know what date/anniversary ideas you have done that you loved and were super fun!

I love linking up with Mommy Style Monday. 
 If you want to join next time got to Kiana or Madeline's blog to sign up! 

Check out other date night post from these lovely ladies! 

Madeline // CaseyLand
Beverly // What a Day 
Kristen // Eat Play and Go
Chelsea // Tessa Marie


  1. I love a good date night in! And it totally doesn't have to be an outfit post. Style is all encompassing! It just means your way of doing something. So don't worry about that :) I only posted an outfit because I didn't even go on a date and had nothing else to show *insert crying laughing emoji here* I love card games! This sounds like a great date night to me :)

  2. We had a lot of Little Caesars date nights like this when we were newlyweds. Sometimes I just crave crappy, Little Caesars pizza. It's pretty dang good and makes me feel nostalgic!

    As for date night ideas- go to karaoke! haha! I've only done it once, and I was pretty bad, but it was still a lot of fun.

  3. Honestly, date nights at home are my favorite! I love being comfortable and relaxed. You don't have to worry about the stress of going out! Pizza and movie dates are one of our favorites!

  4. We've done Scrabble for date nights at home - as newlyweds and after kids! We sometimes attempt movies but I usually fall asleep, haha! One date night we did that was fun last year was the state fair and then first Friday and dinner downtown. (We totally had dessert first at the fair because we are rebels when the kids aren't with us.)

    P.S. Please tell me you learned FOMO from me!
