Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Happy New Year!

This year instead of making lists of goals for my to accomplish I'm going with a word of the year.

I've seen many people do this whole, word of the year, angle and it seemed much easier.  I love making goals but I hate not accomplishing those goals more.

The word I've chosen to use for look at and try to implement into my 2017 year is


I stepped out of my comfort zone a few times this year and it was worth it! 

When I participated in a How I wore it link up

I started linking up with Mommy Style Monday

I learned so much at different blogging events I attended. 

Went to another amazing Dance Dance party 

I had a fourth baby! pt. 1 & pt 2 of the birth story

Working double time and loving everything I am blessed to do over at East Valley Moms Blog!

and so much more! 

A photo posted by Erica Jenkins//Good Job Momma (@airkaka) on

I'm looking forward to the new year and can't wait to see what this year brings.

Are you making a list of goals?  A word for the year? or nothing? 

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