Tuesday, November 14, 2017

2018 LDS Mutual Theme Peace in Christ YW Binder Covers | FREE Printable

2018 is just around the corner!

Time to get things in order for next year LDS mutual theme: Peace in Christ

I've created some simple but cute binder covers, and I'm not using them so I thought i'd share and hopefully help someone else out. Binder covers for YW presidency & class presidencies: CLICK HERE to download your FREE binder covers.
For a BLANK version click HERE
2 inch binder spine: HERE 

I hope you use and enjoy them!

*Thank you to everyone who has left comments and used the binder covers! It means so much to me that you like them! ps. my 1 inch binder spines have been giving me grief so hopefully I can fix that and get those on here quick! 

Also check out my posts for YW SECRETARY HELPS & YW INVITATIONS


  1. I love these but it will not let me save them, Is there a way you can email me just one of them? I was going to cover up the president etc, and just print 1 for all of our presidency?

  2. So cute! Thank you.

  3. Do you have this download available without the Callings listed on the bottom right? Just want to display it on the table
    kimlovespink2021@sbcglobal.net THanks

  4. Thank you so much for providing these for free! They're beautiful!

  5. These are so cute. My counselor printed them out for each of us. I love them. Do you have the without the callings on the bottom by chance ? I would love to print one for each girl to add to their planners for the year.

  6. This is beautiful- thank you!!! I have the same question as many above... do you have any without the callings listed? I would love to frame this!

    1. YES! Enough have asked I guess its a must! I will add it to the post!

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us and letting us use these for our awesome young women girls. You are amazing!

  8. Thank you so much for this!!!! It's beautiful. I love the simple look, and it didn't take a HUGE amount of ink!! I'm very pleased with how it prints out.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like them! Yes I didn't want to have lots of ink used too!

  9. Do you plan on making any binder spines for these? Thank you.

    1. I have a 2 inch and up binder spine I will load on here. my 1 inch ones don't seem to want to print correctly so I'm still working on those.

  10. Thank you so much! These are wonderful!!
