Monday, November 6, 2017

Cold Weather Momiform

Today's Mommy Style Monday topic made me lol a little. Being in Arizona, it's just finally starting to feel like fall. We've been flirtin with low 80's finally. 😂So cold weather is still about a month or so away, but even when it gets cold, my wardrobe doesn't change much from fall to winter.

I'm kidding, well right now that's true, only a light jacket needed but come end of December & January you'll find me huddled in the corner wishing I had purchased a snuggy. 

One thing i'm always super excited about with my cold weather momiform is wearing jeans, and not getting heat stroke wearing them. Weird I know, but you learn to appreciate the little things like that. In addition to that you'll see me sporting just a simple shirt, mostly short sleeve but I'll wear a cardigan or jacket with them, or I'll wear quarter length sleeve shirts, so no extra is needed.

On my feet I'm wearing some kind of flip flop most days, otherwise closed toe flats. The second I get home shoes off and socks on. I have an easier time staying warm if my feet aren't cold, anyone else? 

This is my new favorite shirt, I found it on clearance at Walmart for $7 and then went back and bought another one in black. I would have a 3rd but the plum color was sold out in my size. I knew I should have snagged them all. Never again. 

See look jeans! I found these stretchy skinny jeans at Target. They were a size down from what I would have bought a few months ago, that was exciting. The legs are a little long and a little loose though, but I'll be sewing them up shortly for a perfect fit.

Mr. Link came to visit after taking photos. My momiform also doubles as a cat mom too. 😉 When I find something I love and am comfortable I run with it!

What does your cold weather wardrobe look like? What's your favorite winter accessory?

Thank you for stopping by today and checking out my mom style! Click on over and see the other's momiforms.

Kiana // Glitter&Donuts
Madeline //  CaseyLand

If you'd like to sign up and join us in the next Mommy Style Monday link up visit Kiana at Glitter&Donuts or Madeline at CaseyLand

1 comment:

  1. Love it! That shirt really is so flattering on you! Maybe they will restock one day...?! And I totally look forward to wearing jeans too haha.
