Tuesday, May 7, 2013

we be doing

why hello there.

these are a few things we've been up to.


hahaha yeah not much. just being around the house. try to keep sane and have some fun while doing that.

the most exciting thing that happened was on Sunday this little guy was blessed at church. it was a very sweet, wonderful blessing given to him by his daddy.
the vest he is wearing was his daddy's when he was a little guy. so glad it fit so he could wear it.

did i mention this little guy is now 2months old!
yikes time sure does fly by.

it was great to have family there.

my siblings and i.
not in order but our heights worked out for a nice line up.
i just noticed we coordinated pretty nice for not planning. :)  
oh and Camden's best buds were there too!!

sweet little Henry

 sweet little sleepy guy Rhett

 the best family photo we could get.
mia just wanted to go to primary, she was done with pictures.

 my mom and dad

chris with his parents

okay and this picture just because it shows seriously how much little guy loves his sisters. he smiles and talks to them all the time and it make me so happy everytime.

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