Friday, March 20, 2015

Birthday/spring break trip

We rolled in late Thursday night from a great few days in California with the kids.  Before i go picture crazy don't forget to enter my Birthday week giveaway! Ends this Sunday!

We left Monday morning, cranky/excited kids + lots of stops made for a longer drive then we would have hoped for but that's just how traveling with children goes.  Thankfully no car sickness.

Tuesday morning the kids were up and ready to go. Chris and I on the other hand could have used way more sleep.  It was a long night of trying to get Camden to stay in bed, who ended up waking everyone at 3AM! Yikes is right! Got ready and headed across the street to Knott's Berry Farm. Chris has never been and that last night i was here was on my birthday when i think i was a teenager. I think 15 maybe.

When we told the kids we were going to Knott's for spring break they had no idea what we were talking about and thought it was a regular farm where you could pick berries. So when they realized it was not that but an amusement park they were super stoked.

It was the perfect day to go.  Hardly anyone was there and it stayed that way until we left the park around 4.  The girls had an absolute blast and got on every ride they were able to go on by themselves in Camp Snoopy.  We rode all the train rides together as a family.  We tried to get Camden to go on a few but he wasn't having it.  I did get him to go on one with me.  He hated/loved it, silly boy.

We were exhausted by the time we left and the kids slept great that night.

It was so great to spend my birthday at Knott's! I got a birthday pin and all the workers wished me a happy birthday. We had so much fun, even though i didn't go on many rides, it was all about my kids and seeing how much fun they were having. Making memories together is really why we went. It was perfect!! We love Knott's Berry Farm!

this is the ride i made Cam ride. He was crying, then saying wee then crying. 

about 5 seconds later he almost fell over because he drifted off to sleep. poor guy didn't nap so he was tired!

Chris went on the Ferris Wheel with the girls. That's me with Cam.  
Oh and Chris said that when he was getting on the ferris wheel with the girls the ride operator noticed their shirts and said how much he liked them. Chris told him that i drew them and the guy told Chris that they looked just like Schultz drawings and that they are always needing more people in the art department. Made me feel super awesome and seriously if only.

We're thinking we might buy season passes and go a few times this summer. It would be so fun for sure!!

Thanks for reading!!! Just a heads up my next post will be all about how i went to a spa and got a massage and facial for the very first time.

Have an awesome weekend folks!

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