Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Summer days{2}

Another week has come and gone.  These weeks are flying by and going so slow at the same time.  Its the weirdest thing.  

We kept this week pretty low key.  Okay it was only low key because i basically got summer brain. You know when your brain boils from the heat and you forget about basically everything you had planned. Yeah, so that happened. oops. 

We ate popsicles, made a sonic run, watched netlifx, and went to a movie.

So here are some pics of what i remembered to capture of our last week. Oh and just FYI my kids basically wear the same thing every day, its summer, whatevs. 

Camden always wants to be apart of everything the girls are up too. He had just woken up and plopped himself in between them. 

 Cam is a pro and blowing his nose, he sometimes uses a little too much tp though.  

Ev is obsessed with pokemon right now and carries her cards everywhere.  Almost every time i go upstairs shes organizing them. 

I decided to be a cool mom and take the kids to a movie. We went to the dollar theater. This is not something i usually do, cause squirmy kids and movie theaters usually don't mix. We went and saw Cinderella. The girls have been begging me to see it.  About 25 minutes in it basically turned for the worst.  Even though they were asking to go home, i wanted to watch the flippin movie.  It was, okay. I'm sure I'd like it more with no distractions. 

For family night we watched YouTube music videos and danced.  It was a lot of fun and entertaining.  Mia danced to every song and taught us some dance moves she made up. 

**10 cool points if you can tell me what YouTube video were watching in the picture above.**

Welp, that's basically the end. 

the end. 

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