Monday, June 22, 2015

to dads

Fathers day was yesterday and we celebrated my husband with some gifts, homemade by the kids, and some bought.  We loved on him and made sure that he had a wonderful day.  I love my husband so much and am thankful he such a wonderful father to our children, but this post is about other dads.

I have some incredible men in my family. My dad, & my two brothers.

I'm lucky to have an older brother and a younger brother. I get to be the obnoxious younger sisters and the annoying older sister.  Its truly a blessing for me. 

Watching these two become dads has brought me so much joy i can't even understand it.  Their children love and adore them and they love and adore their children.  

They are truly wonderful men and dads and it makes my heart happy. 



I know they are great dads because they have the wonderful example of our dad.
He is beyond anything i could have ever dreamed of for a dad.  He's hardworking, honest, wise, funny, caring, giving and basically every good thing you can think of.

He is amazing, one of a kind, and i am so glad he's my dad.

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