Monday, June 20, 2016

You can get it

Sometimes in order to better yourself you need to be vulnerable.

I started, a few weeks ago, my own little personal challenge for the summer. I call it, you can get it #youcangetit. To eat a little better, drink more water, and workout for at least 20 minutes every day till the kids go back to school on July 25th.

Eating better and drinking more water is the easy part. Finding the time and motivation to work out just 20 minutes is the hard part.

Right now i'm trying to write this post and my 3 year old is asking me over and over again for pink cereal, while my baby is crying in my ear cause I'm holding him and typing.  He's a bit high maintenance and doesn't appreciate being put down to chill on his own. boo. But even with all the insane things that are happening right now i at least try to run up and down the stairs a few extra time during the day, & do squats or lunges while holding Leo.

Since there is only a few weeks left of summer i'm going to give you my half way progress, i guess.

This is were vulnerable comes in. its picture time!!

This was taken June 1st went I started

This was taken the 15th

Not much difference but there is some change.

I do feel a lot better and am happy to be back in the grind.

I like a good challenge and having accountability for me is key too success.

I'll keep updating as the summer goes. hopefully i'll be able to figure out a system to make sure i get a solid exercise routine going.

Thanks for following along and as always being awesome.

1 comment:

  1. I miss that pretty face!!! Keep it up girl! So proud of you!
