Thursday, July 7, 2016

Keep gettin' it summer challenge

I thought I'd give a little update on my summer challenge.

Its not going super great.

I've been sticking with the eating better, that's much easier right now than trying to find the time to get a consistent work out in. I would love to be able to wake up before the kids and get in a workout.  Lets be honest, that ain't happening until sweet little baby actually sleeps at night.

Even with not getting to work out as much after a few weeks of not weighing myself I stepped on the scale the other day not expecting any change, and I lost 3 lbs. HUH? I was a little confused, but they do say that its mostly about the food you consume.  Oh well I'll take it!

Slow and steady, I don't like to lose too fast.  So I have a few pictures for ya.

I realize now that i should have put the start on the left and the current on the right, but oh well.

It seems the only consistent thing about my summer challenge is water spots on all the mirrors in my house and how I hold my phone taking pictures. LOL!

Just for a comparison of where I actually really started here is a picture of me from the blogging event I attended in April at 3 weeks postpartum.

Cheers to making small changes and small progress.  Progress is progress and should be celebrated!!! 

Have an awesome day! 

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