Monday, October 10, 2016

Mommy Style Monday: Accessories

Hello all and welcome to another Mommy Style Monday! We're in our second week of fall break and its been a bit crazy around here.  I am glad for these MSM posts to keep me coming back and updating the blog.  Sometimes, I spend so much time on the site I write and work for (East Valley Moms Blog, I LOVE it!  It's like another baby to me.) that I forget about my own! oops! Thank you for sticking around and still keeping up with me and my crazy life.

This MSM is all about accessories. Besides my eyebrows (its an obsession), 100% honest my favorite accessory is a hair tie on my wrist. 85 percent of the time I have one, even if my hair is already up.  Its just my thing I guess.

I don't wear very many accessories, I don't go out and buy many things either.  I have a few necklaces and a few pairs of earrings. I would love to branch out and have way more choices but I can't seem to spend my money on something like this.

Walmart: Black & Coral Necklace & blue earrings
Target: White pearl flower earrings
Gifted: gold necklace & peach flower earrings. 

I've had my Walmart necklaces for years.  There were a couple more necklaces but those are currently in a land fill somewhere weeping over my decision to let children wear them. Eh, oh well. Live and learn.

I tend to wear jewelry accessories when I'm kid free. So out at an event or to blog conferences. 

Let us witness accessories out in the wild.  

This past August at Say Hi Society Blog Conference photo Let Me See You Sparkle

This past April 3 weeks postpartum at a Say Hi Society Blog Conference

Getting my head shots for East Valley Moms Blog March 2015

First Moms Night Out Event for EVMB February 2015

I'm just saving the environment by REUSING!

But really my accessories are spit up, food stains, pen marks, and mess.  Give me a baby on my hip and a toddler tugging at my shirt any day over earrings, hats, rings, necklaces or scarves.

Maybe some day i'll get a chance to accessories with things, instead of children but i'll enjoy this time while it lasts.

What's your favorite accessory? Kids, hats, bolo ties??

Go and see what the other ladies linking up accessorize with.

Madeline // CaseyLand
Monica // It's All About
Chelsea // Tessa Marie

If you'd like to join head on over to Kiana at Glitter & Donuts or Madeline CaseyLand 


  1. I am the same way as you! I work full time so sometimes I'll hurry and throw on a bold necklace as I am walking out the door. And then I have to take it off immediately after coming home because my son will just tug at it and I swear one day he is going to rip it right off my neck!

  2. Laughed at the hair tie comment--I'm the same! I feel most like myself when my hair is tied back.

  3. Ha ha I love this! I always get excited when you join us for MSM. Kid free is probably the only time I accessorize as well! And I have the hardest time spending money on accessories!

  4. Teach me your eyebrow ways! I need to find a place that will tell me what to do (and sell me products I will use for a week before forgetting). Then I can finally be happy.
