Monday, February 13, 2017

4 Ways to Stay Connected to Your Spouse

I know I'm not the first to admit that when it comes to staying connected to my spouse its not the easiest.. Chris and I both have busy schedules, work hard, and honestly are just tired. 4 kids can really wear you out. When we're feeling distant and out of wack we step back and focus on a few simple things to keep us connected.

We've been married for 10 years and we're still trying to figure it all out, but there are 4 ways that help us stay connected and keep our marriage alive and well.

  • laugh together: 

    One of the first things that attracted me to Chris was that he made me laugh. I'm a simple gal and laughing with me is the way to my heart. We've been laughing with and at each other ever since the night we met. Funny movies, silly memes, crazy situations you're in, you name it, laugh about it. Laughter is the cure to a cranky spouse.

  • talk: 
    It doesn't have to be deep, thought provoking conversations (those are important to have some times too though). Talk about your day, something you saw, how work is going, ideas you have for something, anything. Share. Most importantly, respect and listen to what the other person is saying. Even if its something you have absolutely no interest in (like guns, and airplanes), be present in the conversation. Nobody likes talking to a wall. 💗

  • surprise each other:  
    If you see something they might like, even if its just a small item, like a diet dp from QT. Its a sweet gesture to show you are thinking of them. Surprise them with a flirty playful text, or a note where they will see when they are away from you. Fun and spontaneity are a great way to keep your interest piqued and also can lead to the last thing..

  • have sex: 
    Yep, I went there. I mean come on, how could I not mention it?! Sex, sex, sex, sex ,sex sex-sex. If talking about sex is wrong then I don't want to be right. It's by far one of the best and most fun ways to connect. Sex is a huge factor in a marriage and its the bomb. Feel more confidence, love and trust in your relationship and it straight up makes you happy. 

Honestly, if you are respectful, honest, loving and generous.  You'll still have issues for sure, no marriage is perfect, but it sure will help keep you happier with the person you've chosen to share your life together with. 

I'm linking up these extremely wise and helpful tips of staying connected to your spouse with the Mommy Style Monday ladies. Check out what others had to say about connecting with their spouses. How do you stay connected with your spouse? 

Want to join the Mommy Style Monday link up?
Visit Kiana // Glitter & Donuts or Madeline // CaseyLand and sign up! 

Kiana // Glitter & Donuts
Madeline // CaseyLand
Chandler // Life as a Larsen

Happy Humping 


  1. I love the ‘laugh’ together part of this. I think it’s so important and laughter cures everything!

  2. Haha I love that you went there, but really it's so important! And laughter can cure so many things.

  3. Your post was awesome! So glad you went there. Happy 10 years together. I loved your tips too.

  4. Great tips, girl! I love how you said it doesn't have to be deep when we talk, and for some reason that really enlightened me!

  5. Totally agree with your tips!!
