Thursday, February 9, 2017

I am so on the ball: December [three]

Okay last little bit for catch up for December.  Then on to January. ;)


Breakfast with Santa event with East Valley Moms Blog 

Amelia turned 7

Holiday Concerts 

Student of the month award 


Family Reunion (Chris's side)

The last few days of December Chris's moms side of the family had a family reunion. 

It was 3 days filled with food, and family.  I don't know very many people on Chris's side unless they live in the valley.  It was great to have so many people able to travel as far as the east coast to Arizona to spend time with everyone. 

The last day of the reunion we were able to get pictures of everyone that was there and also family pictures. I'm just gonna drop these pictures and call it good. 

photos from Leigh Root at Leigh Root Photography.

Leigh did an amazing job at getting so many people pictures and they turned out amazing. 

Lenora & Roy McClellan

Great & Great-Great Grand Children
Grand (spouses included), Great & Great-Great Grand Children

Whole Group (just a few missing)


I am so on the ball: December [ONE]  [TWO] 

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