Thursday, February 9, 2017

I am so on the ball: December [two]

Lets keep knocking out this list...


Breakfast with Santa event with East Valley Moms Blog 

Amelia turned 7

Holiday Concerts 

Student of the month award 


Family Reunion (Chris's side)

Evelyn and Amelia both had Holiday Concerts this year. A week a part. 

Surpise surprise Evelyn didn't want a picture after her concert, but Mia was happy to after her concert the following week.  

Both girls had speaking parts in their concerts and the did an amazing job.  Evelyn ended up being thrown in last second to cover a different speaking part of someone that didn't show.  She did awesome. Both girls are always happy to be on stage and performing and doing their best. 

Evelyn was happy to take a picture with her student of the month medal though.  Evelyn was selected along with one other kid to receive this award for the month of December. She works hard at school and pushes herself to be the best student she can be.  Very proud of Evelyn and she is very proud of herself and her accomplishments. 

Christmas was very chill this year.  Since Christmas fell on a Sunday this year we were able to go to church and it was very nice.  Its not very often we get to do that, and that was my favorite part of Christmas this year. 

I didn't take any pictures of the kids opening gifts, just a quick family pic before church and some random cute pics of the kids Christmas Eve. 

I am so on the ball: December  [ONE] [THREE]

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