Tuesday, March 28, 2017

FREE LDS #PRINCEofPEACE Social Media Images

The Easter season is upon us and our thoughts are turning to our Savior of the World, Jesus Christ.

Mormon.org is hosting a wonderful Easter campaign called #PRINCEofPEACE. Launching March 31st. I love each one of the campaigns the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints puts on during holiday seasons.

I am jumping ahead a little with excitement for this campaign. This year I wanted to do something special to celebrate the campaign so I created some FREE and simple inspiration gospel centered images you can use on social media, specifically for Instagram, but can be used anywhere.

Starting April 9th, one week prior to Easter, I have an image a day you can share that corresponds with one of eight Principles of Peace. Use these to correspond with the days, use whenever you want or need a little inspiration. :) 

When sharing on social media tag #PRINCEofPEACE. You can also tag me on Instagram @airkaka I would love to see who shares and read any thoughts you have.

I hope those that use these can feel love and the peace that comes from our Savior.

(just right click image and save as 👍)

APRIL 9th- Faith - Write a list of the reasons why you believe in God.

April 10th- Compassion - Think of someone you love. Make a list of their good traits and give it to them.

April 11th- Forgiveness - Pray for strength to forgive someone who offended you

April 12th- Repentance - Make a list of areas in your life that aren’t in harmony with Jesus’ teachings and set goals to improve.

April 13th- Gratitude - Share a specific example on social media of something someone did for you and how it made a difference in your life.

April 14th- Scripture - Think of a question or trial you’re facing. Find someone in the scriptures who faced a similar issue and learn from their example.

April 15th- Prayer - Share with a friend or write about a time when a specific prayer was answered.

April 16th- Hope - Create a playlist of songs that give you hope and courage.

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