Monday, March 27, 2017

Mommy Style Monday: Spring Box Swap

Happy Monday. Today is a very special Mommy Style Monday. This last month the creaters Kiana & Madeline decided it would be fun to send boxes filled with fun springy items to another MSM lady. 

Now, I was hesitant at first cause the last time I did something like this for a Christmas secret santa with other blog sisters, I got burned. I'm over it now, mostly, but at the time I was pretty ticked about it, obviously.

I obviously went for it, because the mommy style Monday ladies that participate are absolutely amazing and I feel like I know them, even though I've never met them in person. :) 

The theme for the box was SPRING! It would be anything that reminds you about spring.  I sent a box to the adorable and fabulous Chandler at Life as a Larsen.  

My box came from the ever so sweet Kiana at Glitter&Donuts. Have you seen the things she does? Amazing. She's real, honest, and a wonderful mother and I adore her. 

I was excited to see the cute things she would send to me. 

I don't check the mail often, oops, so I ended up seeing the package in the mail on my birthday! So it was ever sweeter! 

So lets dig in and see whats inside. 

I immediately smiled at all the donuts, I mean she is Glitter and Donuts after all. :) 

I may have eaten the donut rice krispie, the second photos were done, and it was delicious! I've already used the cute bright pink nail polish, its the perfect spring color. I can't wait to find time to color, its such a great stress reliever for me. Kiana must have known that me being all old and 30 now i'd need some extra help in the tightening and toning of my face, cause I can't wait to use the treatment mask! 

I was seriously love, love, loved every single thing that came in my spring box! It brings me so much joy when people spend the time to give and think about others and let a lone send a box filled with goodies cross country to bring love and a smile. 

Thank you so much Kiana for my box! It was everything and also so much more than I expected. Perfectly capsuled you, and perfect for me! 

Check out what the other ladies in our Mommy Style Monday group received in their spring box swaps! I know I can't wait to see! Want to participate in a Favorite Things Box in June/July? Go here to sign up! 

Kiana // Glitter&Donuts
Madeline // CaseyLand
Cayli at Nightchayde
Rachel // Tutus and Heels
Chandler // Life as a Larsen

Want to join the Mommy Style Monday link up?
Visit Kiana // Glitter & Donuts or Madeline // CaseyLand and sign up! 


  1. I was so excited for you when you got it on your birthday! Like, how perfect! I'm glad you participated too. It's always a risk, but it turned out so great!!

  2. Love your box! It's pretty obvious it came from Kiana (Glitter and Donuts) and I wouldn't have expected anything less from her!! So fun!

  3. So glad this exchange was a better experience!! The donut tumbler is awesome!
