Thursday, May 18, 2017

Arizona Bloggers Meetup with Boncom

I was able to attend an Arizona Bloggers meet up that was hosted by the amazing Boncom team. They are doing some beautiful things as they connect people, organization, companies with influencers to make a difference and share goodness in the world.

I've had the chance to partner with them in the past and share some holiday campaigns and it's a pleasure to be included, even in a small way, to make a bigger difference.

Designed by Grace + Vine

Designed by Grace + Vine

BYU Tv, Studio C, Random Acts, Relative Race, Extinct Tv

Swag Bag Goodies
Whimzical Woods Barn, Rod Works, Project Life, Seth Adam Smith, Greg TrimbleTaylor Town, Retrogram Boards, White Elegance, Goldyn Eero, Olivewood Designs, Moments Defined, Lolly Letters, Lucky Love, Prickly Pear Lane, Fiiz 

If I start writing about all the details about what the presenters & keynote speaks talked about this would be an extremely lengthy post.  I will write separate posts on all that because each needs its own.

I will say that I am so glad there are people willing to share their talents, stories, and life with others.

We heard from Jamie Hutchings, Seth Adam Smith, Kristyn Merkley, & Becky Higgins.

Each their own, but together they shared messages of strength, balance, hope, light, and love. There was even more, but like I said, lengthy.

I love walking away from an event feeling inspired and feeling better about myself than when I showed up. I have so many things I want to accomplish, so many things I'd like to share, and just so many thing. All the talk about balance was something I definitely needed to hear. Inspired words from those I look up to.

For the moment this is all I will share. Stay tuned for more and I might reference this night a lot in the coming months.

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