Monday, May 22, 2017

Summertime Sanity Savers

The End.

Kidding, but sometimes it can feel like that. Summer is the end.
The whole heat thing, then add no school on top of that. It can be hectic and busy, but we always make the best of the time together. In order to save my sanity though, I have to have at least a few things planned to keep the heard entertained.

Before the school year ends and the summer begins, I always like to attempt to make a summer bucket list with my kids. Well, we make the list, but the attempt is in actually checking off things on our list. We try our best to do as many things on the list as we can.

The List:

  • Sleep over at grandma & papa Crandell
  • Go to Cabin
  • Visit at least 3 different splash parks
  • Visit at least 3 different pools
  • One designated craft day a week
  • Sign up for summer reading program at the library
  • Go to library once a week
  • Take a day trip: Tucson, Tombstone, Prescott, Snowflake, Petrified Forest 
  • Movie Nights
  • Back to school party
  • Ice cream party
  • Get a sitter at least 4 times
  • Personal quiet/meditation time 
  • Go to the Mesa Temple Visitor Center story time
June 1st is the last day of school for us and my girls are eagerly looking forward to that day. I'm excited too, but in order for me to be able to keep myself sane i'll have to be extra organized this summer. Hopefully our list will help. 

I'm linking up this post today with Mommy Style Monday. Want to join the Mommy Style Monday link up? Visit Kiana // Glitter & Donuts or Madeline // CaseyLand and sign up! 

Check out what everyone else is up to this summer! 

Kiana // Glitter&Donuts
Madeline // CaseyLand

Monica // It's All About


  1. This is a really good list! I love hearing what people with older kids than mine are doing in the summer, because thinking about having older kids and all this free time kind of makes me stressed ha ha!

  2. Nothing beats sleepovers at the grandparents!

  3. I love your bucket list! I'll have to add a few fun things you came up with to mine!
