Monday, June 5, 2017

An afternoon at the park

Parks are great for free entertainment, tiring your kids out, and bringing home buckets of sand in shoes. I'm not much of a park person though, but my kids are super fans. 

In Arizona perfect park season is from about October-April so right now is not the time to spend afternoons at our neighborhood park with the burning hot lava slides and I ain't about to take the kids to the park at 5am for reasonable play temperature. 😉 Thankfully a lot of parks here have water features to keep us cool.

I tend to stay inside as often as possible during the summer, I thrive as a summer hermit, but the kids get a little cabin fever so off to the splash parks we go.

When it comes to going out with the kids I don't like to over complicate things.  Less is more. If I brought everything I could possibly think we might need when we're summer splash park hopping i'd better just throw a dresser in the back of the van and call it good.

What I lug around:
I make sure we have plenty of snacks and water for the never ending summer hunger. Mostly fruits cause vegetables are the worst. Kidding, but some are though. Sunscreen galore, cap stick, hats & sunglasses, anything to keep our skin as white as possible through the summer.

But seriously though, the best part about a trip to a park of any kind in the summer is the drink pit stops. We always end up at either Sodarush, or sonic for a cool drink.

The kids get excited to spend an afternoon out and I get excited for the early bedtimes that usually follow the day. 😉

I'm linking up this post today with Mommy Style Monday. Want to join the Mommy Style Monday link up? 
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Kiana // Glitter&Donuts
Madeline //at CaseyLand
Monica // It's All About

1 comment:

  1. I wish we had more splash parks around where I live! Snacks are a must, and I agree about vegetables... I wish I didn't though ha ha. I was excited when it was time to put the sunscreen back in my diaper bag. I love the warm weather!
