Tuesday, June 6, 2017

They were cones

My dad has a soft serve frozen yogurt machine. I know, all the envy. My dad is also an extremely generous human being and invites the families in his ward & neighbors over to his house two times a month on Monday nights for free frozen yogurt cones.

Chairs are set out in their driveway and people come and go as they please. Its pretty fantastic. On occasion we get to make the trek to my parents house to partake of the yummy goodness.

Little Leonard was given his first cone a couple months back and I was able to capture the moment he realized that frozen yogurt was an amazing thing. 😊

He's a fan of the froyo! I'd be sad if he wasn't, cause froyo is life y'all. 

This last pic didn't focus on the messy, froyo covered sticky mess in the front, it got a great shot of my niece Maddie, Bro-in-law Jon & my mom. 

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