Friday, May 25, 2018

1200 Minute Summer Movement Challenge

To give myself some account ability this summer and stay active, i'm starting a summer movement challenge.

The 1200 minute summer movement challenge is to be active 1200 minutes during the months of June & July. This breaks down to about 20 minutes per day. 20 minutes is something that I can easily accomplish even with my kids up during the day or do at night before bed.

I've been learning more and more about intuitive eating and listening to what my body needs and it's craving movement.

I'm not looking for a physical transformation, I know that I need this mentally to breeze through summer with a healthy mind, and movement helps me more than anything else.

I've created a spreadsheet to keep my accountable and you can download one for yourself, if you'd like to join me HERE. At the end of summer see if you hit it or exceeded it!

Being active doesn't have to be a big ordeal, but its a conscience decision you will make every day. I think that's the most important thing in this challenge, is making the choice.
  • swim
  • bike
  • walk
  • lift weights
  • workout videos
  • yoga
  • garden
  • dance
  • skip
  • run
Whatever you're heart and body wants. Just get up and move your body. 

Will you join me in my 1200 minute summer movement challenge? 

If you want to join download and print your own movement spreadsheet, use the hashtag #1200summermovementchallenge on social media! Follow me during this challenge on my Instagram | AIRKAKA

If you have any issues getting the spreadsheet let me know!!! Thanks friends! 

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